Hand made and More 

Pillows , Earring, Art, 

Logo                                                                                                                     $16 

Hande Made earrings 

$5.00 for one 2 for $10 and get the third one free 

Knitted Hats 


Art can be 






Decorative Pillows

$10 for one two for $15


shirt with design

These are all handmade by me. I all so sell  

1. Magnet -$2.00  2. Impress Art -$2.00  3.Drawing - 20 4. Book Marks-  $2.25, 4.Bandannas- $2.25 5. Fake Glass - $ 3.00 6. Socks - $ 5.00 7. 3D Prints $5 - $400 8. sand art $6.00  9. Phone Case $ 20.00 10. Keychains -$5.00 11. Anime dolls -$ 20 -$100, 12.Stuff animals Pals - $22.70 

14.Bracelets- $4.00 15.necklaces - $10.00 16. Perler $6.00

17. Craft Bowls $7.00 18. Fanny Pack-$16. 

19.Headbands -$16.00 20. Stickers and hand made card $6.26 ,



Sweetie M's Hand Made Crafts 
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